CSC301H Fall2013

Sprint 0

Sprint 0

This is a team assignment; each team submits one assignment

Due Date for Preliminary Deliverables: September 25, 22:00:00 EST (No late submissions will be accepted).

Weight: 2% of course grade

Due Date for Final Deliverables: October 2, 22:00:00 EST (No late submissions will be accepted).

Weight: 8% of course grade

Submission format: commit all necessary files to your team GitHub repository by the deadline.


The goals of this assignment are:


Take ONE photograph containing all members of your group and the product champion. Make sure everyone's faces are visible. You must not modify the people in the photo. (In other words, don’t photoshop people into the photo who weren’t there.) Any format (jpg, png, etc) is fine. Do note that whatever format you choose to use, your picture has to be viewable on the CDF machines otherwise there will be no marks awarded.

Project Pages

Create web pages on GitHub. Include information about your team and the project. Create a sub-page for meeting minutes.

Team Charter

Establish a charter for your team that states the regular meeting times, your values, and the commitments that you will make to each other. Examples of commitments are being on time, honouring meeting times, responding to email within a certain amount of time, promising to not fail silently, and a target grade for the project.


Generate a set of 2-4 personas representing the intended users of your project.

User stories

Based on a set of personas that you've generated for your project, create 20-50 different user stories like the one discussed in class and tutorial - the more specific the stories, the better.

Project Charter

Describe the goal of the project. What will your application be able to do? How can you tell if you have succeeded? How will you bring value to your client organization?

Technologies to be Used

Identify the software tools, frameworks, and APIs that you will be using to implement the application.

Meeting Minutes and Attendance Spreadsheet

Keep minutes for your meetings. Minutes should include a list of who attended, what decisions were made (and how), and a list of action items (with deadlines and who they were assigned to.) Also, create a spreadsheet showing who attended which meetings. Make each meeting a column in the spreadsheet.

Build something

Select one user story. Estimate the size of the story. Create a tests for the story. Implement the story.

Build your application on whatever development platform your client wants you to use, and check the code into your GitHub repository. Marks will depend on whether your TAs can successfully run it, either by downloading and executable or running it on Windows Azure.

What and How to Submit

Preliminary versions of the personas and user stories are due on September 25. The TAs will give you feedback on them during tutorial the next day.

Final versions of all deliverables are due on October 2.

In both cases, submission will be through GitHub.

Create a web page for Sprint 0. From there add links to all elements that you want graded. Many of the links will be to your group's Subversion repository. This includes meeting minutes, notes about your conversations with the customers, test plan, test code, user stories, source code, and any other explicit and implicit deliverables.

The above requirements are subject to changes based on feedback from the course bulletin board. This page will be frozen at midnight on Friday, September 20.